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What is Microblading?


Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup done by manually inserting pigment into the upper layers of the skin on the eyebrows. This gives the impression of fullness and shape so you can have the most natural-looking brows. 

Your Microblading Consultation:

You must be 18 or older to receive a Microblading treatment. Candidates for Microblading include:

*Those who want fuller brows

*Those who have light blonde brows

*Those who have uneven brows

*Those who suffer from alopecia or hair loss from medical treatment

*Those who suffer from poor eyesight and have trouble applying makeup

*Those who want to skip their morning brow makeup routine

All of your questions will be answered and the physician will determine if you are a good candidate for Microblading. 

The Microblading Procedure:

On the day of your procedure, the brow shape that you want and that is best suited for the contour of your face will be determined. A custom color that matches your natural brow color, hair, or color of your choice will then be created. 

A topical anesthetic will be applied to the brow area prior to your treatment. Tiny, hair-like superficial cuts in and along your brow will be made while depositing the color pigment. Most people find the process to be relatively painless with the anesthetic. You can expect the treated areas to be tender for a few days.

The results can be seen immediately. The length of time a Microblading treatment lasts can vary per individual and depends on factors such as post treatment care, skin type (normal, oily, dry), age, skin care regimen, and lifestyle. The physician strives for natural looking results. After the initial treatment, there will be a 6 week follow-up appointment for any necessary touch-ups. 

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